Rest in Peace Dear Toola

We're writing today to share the sad news that Toola, one of our beloved exhibit and surrogate sea otters, passed away peacefully last night of natural causes.
Toola was arguably the most important sea otter in our history. She came to us in 2001, rescued as an adult. She became our first surrogate mom, rearing a pup from its first few days of life on through successful release to the wild. She raised 13 pups over the years.
Toola survived to a normal lifespan of 15-16 years, despite having a seizure disorder caused by toxoplasmosis. Her story with this parasite inspired the Sea Otter bill, legislation that provided enhanced protection for these amazing animals and gives the public an opportunity to directly help sea otters through a check off option on our state income tax form.
We are all greatly saddened by this loss, and so very much enriched by what Toola shared with us while she was here.
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